dimarts, 26 de maig del 2015

What's in the city?

Our cities have many characteristic places we can use for different purposes. 
Most of them are public and you can enter them without any special permission, others are private and you have to pay for them or have permission to enter.

When you are at school, in the gym, at the rail way station, at the airport, at the supermarket, at the cinema, in a café...you do things and activities that fill your spare time or things you need to do for your daily life.

Here you have this useful link to revise vocabulary related to common shops and places in town.

dijous, 16 d’abril del 2015


Now, we are going to learn about sports vocabulary. 
How many sports do you know?

How many types of sports can you say?

How many sports do you practice?

How often do you take exercise?

Which sport are you good at?

Which sport do you like most?

Why do you like it so much? Can you tell us something about its features?

How do you play or how do you do some sports?

Depending on the type of activity, we can use do, play and go to express it. Look at here  and here as well.

Here we have some exercises to do.

dimarts, 14 d’abril del 2015

Can and must.

CAN means the ability,  possibility and permission to do something.

MUST means necessity, obligation and certainty that something is true.

CAN´T  stands for lack of ability, lack of permission and the certainty that something is impossible.

MUSN'T stands for prohibition.

In this video and in this chart you can have the information about the modal verbs we are studying.

Pay attention to the pronunciation of CAN and CAN'T.

Here you have a lot of exercises  to practice the use of these two modal verbs; this page and this other

divendres, 9 de gener del 2015


L'accent gràfic és un signe, tancat (') obert (`) que posem sobre la vocal tònica d'una paraula segons les normes d'accentuació.

Les paraules agudes s'accentuen quan acaben en vocal, vocal més -s o -en, -in.
Les paraules planes s'accentuen quan npo acaben en cap de les terminacions anteriors.
Les paraules esdruíxoles s'accentuen sempre.

A més a més, les paraules compostes i les derivades amb afixos mantenen l'accentuació de la paraula primitiva. 

Els monosíl.labs no s'accentuen. Però de vegades s'utilitza un accent que s'anomena diacrític per a diferenciar les paruales homònimes (que s'escriuen igual) amb significats diferents.

Per altra part, la dièresi (") es fica sobre les vocals u, i per assenyalar la inexistència de diftong o la pronuncia de la vocal u en grups sil.làbics en què habitualment no es pronuncia.

En aquestos enllaços podrem practicar les regles d'accentuació.

Regles generals: aquí,
Accent diacrític: aquí,
Dièresi: aquí,